


They use only the top quality of Yamadanishiki which is called king of sake rice.

Taste is dry and sharp, like other Hyogo sake.



This sake was served at Nobel Prize official event.

Nada is amous for dry sake which is called 「Man Sake」, but Fukujyu is different.

It's sweeter and fruity.


【Kobe Rogama Kobo】

Kobe beef is famous not only in Japan but also in many countries.

In this restaurant you can eat Kobe beef at relatively cheap price(not cheap)

Food and atmosphere are great so you can use here for celebration.

Also there are many variesties of sake. 


Address:Motomachi Kita Heights 1F, 4-2-11 Kitanagasadori, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture

神戸炉釜工房 神戸牛

【Himeji Takopi】

Takoyaki in Osaka and Akashiyaki in Akashi are popular but there is Akashiyaki style Takoyaki in Himeji.

As you can imagine, you can enjoy Takoyaki and Akashiyaki at the same time.

It's all up to you hot to eat.


Address:Grand Festa B1F, 188-1 Ekimae-cho, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture



When I was a little my mom used to cook 「Soba meshi」.

It is fried rice and soba with sauce.

「Aomori」 is said that Soba meshi was born here.

You can feel gentle taste of sauce, beef tendon and cabbage.


Address:4-8-6 Kubocho, Nagata Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture

お好み焼 青森


【Kure Mutu】

This is sake bar which is in shady building in Himeji.

Master has a lot of knowledge abou sake and his creative cuisines are delicious.

He can serve us sake which we will like. So please ask him about sake. 


Address:11th Crystal Building 203, 55 Shiomachi, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture

日本酒 暮六つ
日本酒 暮六つ